Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Translating Traffic


That is usually what comes out my mouth when someone cuts me off in traffic. Am I justified in my obersavation? Is that guy really a dick? I have always thought that maybe the way you drive somehow derives from the kind of person you are. Well, this may not be 100% true , I will just humor myself.

Speeding. We all do it at some point or another but some do it with such obnoxiousness. They turn getting on to the off ramp into a scene from the Transporter. Why? What could this tribal tattoo branded , blasting Nickelback to the full volume meathead be heading and why is it so important that he has to nearly cause a four car pile up to get there? Now I am sure there are legit reasons for speeding , such as family emergencies and being late for an engagement. Work for an example and boy do I know this first hand (Alot of mornings blazing down 235!). What really angers me is to see a mini-van flying pushing 90 mph and to look in the back seat and see two toddler seats but hey maybe I just haven't read "What to Expect When you're Expecting Dale Earnheart as a Toddler"

Is weaving in and out of traffic like crazy then when you can't pass anybody you honk your head off until the driver in front of you feels like a coward for doing the speed limit so he hangs his head and changes lane , necessary. Oh and he does something you don't do , he SIGNALS when he does it!

But hey maybe that guy was moving far too slow. I mean the frat boy in the Denali had to make it to the court house in time to pay his last speeding ticket. What kind of people hate the speed limit though? I understand it is limit and yes you can go the minimum but I still can't comprehend why you would do so. Now the elderly they have every excuse to do whatever they want. Now if I was 90 I would be doing 90 mph without hesitation but some reason "The Greatest Generation" can only do 10 in a 45. Maybe because time slows down after you hit the "Golden Years". I mean your body and the organs in it start to slow down. Does your foot on the gas have to also? Now I mean no disrespect to the elderly. They are far wiser than I'll ever be. They had to learn things the hard way. My generation is spoiled by the internet. Now if I want to learn how to do something I just Wiki it.

But I digress, If you are under 70 and are not going the speed limit. WHY? Don't tell me its to take it all in because unless you are on vacation you are going to see it all again on the way home from work and you'll do it all again tomorrow. Maybe your over cautious. Protected as a child but now you're free! Embrace the world at FULL speed! Just watch out for that dick cutting you off.

Now lets see about me , I guess I am a laid back driver. I hardly ever get road rage except now I am venting a little bit I guess. I always do 4 over the speed limit the most you can do without getting a ticket. I always single 100 feet before a turn. I do everything by the book for the most part but we all have are bad days. I just try to keep mind out of radar range.

Well until next time,

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