It's been a few weeks maybe even longer since I posted but I have been busy writing two comics. Now they are being drawn, I have time to rant so here we go.
I was very proud of myself recently because I didn't take a drink of alcohol for a little over four weeks. This has got to be the longest I have went without drinking for so long since I was a loser in high school playing video games and smoking pot at home in my room while everybody was doing keg stands.
It wasn't as tough as I thought would be. Of course watching everyone get drunk and laugh at jokes that aren't as funny sober kind of sucked but I persevered through. The reason I quit drinking wasn't because I didn't think it was fun, don't get me wrong there is nothing more fun than a night out with the gang enjoying a nice rum and coke. I just can't stand the next day. I get very bad hangovers and it makes me lazy and depressed the next day. Obviously alcohol is a depressant so everyone should expect that but it seems to hit me way harder.
So my quest was off to go two months without a drink to see what it would be like to be thirteen again and try to enjoy weekends sober and I did. Then came this past friday night I decided to jump off the wagon with a box of wine and a night full of board games. It was a blast, played my favorite board game "Zombies!!!" but this morning was not fun. So today I pledge that I will be back on the wagon for another four weeks and maybe for good. I guess I could learn moderation. That may help with the extreme hangovers but I will try that in a month I suppose.
But also as I am growing up I am also still a kid at heart this was never more apparent than this weekend when for the last two weeks I have been planning to go back to Old Cowtown which is just my idea of heaven. I am a HUGE western buff so if this the only way I can relive that time I will be there. I really think I was born in the wrong century. I love the ideals of the Old West and if only Doc Brown was real and could get me back there.
My lovely girlfriend and I departed for Cowtown and we had a blast saw a gun fight, sipped on sarsaparilla and spent $80 at the gift shop. I am now the owner of a Billy the Kid cap gun and a nice cowboy hat. Now I won't go into details but I will let this picture sum up our trip.
Until next time,
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