Unlike the internet, I never knew a time without. Some of my earliest memories were that with the 8-bit Nintendo on Zelda. I was fortuned enough to have a grandfather who love the new wave of technology that was coming out. All of the accessories the Nintendo had he got us.
The coolest thing about my grandfather was that he was a Zelda freak. He saved all the Nintendo Power magazines with the Zelda maps in it. I never been so afraid than to accidently save over my granddad's game. He always made it further than us but me and brothers still had a blast taking on Gannon.
As I grew up so did the video games I played. My first system that was just mine was the Sega Genesis. Sonic the Hedgehog helped me navigate my way through the troubled seas of elementary school life. It was followed by the 64 which blew my mind with two games that I completely indulge in and suck me in. Not since Zelda did I think that I would be able to assume the role of a character in a video game. These two games were Starfox and Golden Eye.
Then came the almighty Playstation and with it two of the best games ever Final Fantasy XII and Resident Evil. I never thought anything but a scary movie could invoke such terror in me but I was mistaked as me and my brother's friends sat in their basement in front of a big screen in the dark pissing our pants from the zombies attacking our antagonist in the game.
Playstation 2 was my second console that I owned and it was a good one. I bought it when Grand Theft Auto III came out and I never thought anyone could create such a vivid and unique feeling world as much as that did. One of the best experiences that I have still today is picking up the newest GTA game and playing the first mission. It's the feeling of being sunk into a brand new world with no knowledge of what's up the street or across the bridge and that what is so fun about it is finding out what's there.
Xbox brought me online multiplayer and instead of going out and partying me and my friends stayed in most the time and smoke weed and played Halo 2 online. It also brought me my first taste of RPG glory with Elder Scrolls , KOTOR and still my all time favorite Fable.
Several years later came the 360 and thats when my social life took a big hit. Just joking but only half heartily. Though it had its problems (I am on my third one, DAM IT !), I still believe that it changed everything it showed how games should look and play and with it brought my favorite games of all time. Which are Mass Effect 1 & 2 , GTA 4 , Red Dead , and Fable 2. Just the shear amount of quality of video games that are coming out now blow my mind and I feel truly blessed to be able to have hands and eyes so I can enjoy them.
I now have all the big three's gaming systems and no life.
But I wouldn't want it any other way. Gaming has truly saved me in dark times. When I had no friends and no one to go out with I would just make them in Sims. When I wanted to feel important I saved the world a thousand times over and when I want to just be myself and enjoy the people I love, I simply press the off button.
Or just pause.
Until next time,
You're gay. (: