Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Dom the Dominator-Episode 2
The next installment in the series, check back next Friday at Midnight for the next episode.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Dom the Dominator
Okay so this is a new webcomic I am doing all by myself and will publish ever friday. Since this is the first week I am putting up two. One tonight and one tomorrow. The story is about a office worker named Dom who wants to be a real life supervillian but in order to do that he needs to make someone a real life superhero.
Episode 1
Search for superhero
Episode 1
Search for superhero
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Top 40 Blues
Will we ever get back to a time where actual talent earn you album sales and box office receipts? Now it seems the more pre-teens you can make scream the more YOUR song or movie will get money for advertising. Then the suits shove you so far down our throats everyone starts to believe "Well this must be what's in right now" and then all reason for original thought goes out the door.
Oh vocoder it was so nice when you were used in smaller rotation of songs. Ke$ha who doesn't seem like she sing or rap found a happy balance with just talking into auto-tune. This is the problem with most songs on the radio. Just put a four on the floor dance beat with some trash lyrics about drinking and puppy love with auto-tune and you got yourself a hit!
Don't get me started on Justin Bieber. If he was anymore whored out by his management and record label he be staring in the next documentary about children born into prostitution. I just pray he will fade away fast like the Jonas brothers at least they faked played guitar. No talent.
It seems like they just throw money at everything they think tweens will buy and hey thats one of the best demographics who will scream at their parents until they take them to the midnight premiere of the new Twilight movie.
But in a way I am glad these movies and songs get made because they make money and that lets that same record company feel safe enough to take a risk on that experimental band or throw a movie like Scott Pilgrim a budget it deserves. Even though it was not a box office success it was a amazing movie and they can't take that back, it's been made. Though if you want to have more bands and movies that you like there is one solution, buy that album or movie ticket. That is the best vote for a change of this teenage daydream pop that we are stuck in.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Debts Of My Mind
I am a twenty-two year old American and I am in debt up to my eyeballs.
Like two thirds of America the thought of getting vast amounts of money now was too tempting for me. I was behind in medical bills and rent, I just needed a little breathing room. A BREAK FOR ONCE! So I applied for a credit card from my bank and to MY surprise was approved. All was to be well I could get caught up with my bills and save. A happy ending!
...Then reality happen. For two months I was feeling good and living comfortably for change. Then I started to notice my interest and monthly payments started to go up. Okay no big deal I'll just not use it and pay twice my payment to make a dent and I did. But as many would probably say SHIT will hit you in right in the face while you are trying to clean up the toilet.
I still see a doctor on a regular basis, still use my phone, still pay my unused gym membership that I can't get out of and I still paying the health insurance that won't help with my doctor bills. On top of that I am trying to paying twice the regular payment on my card.
Now the granddaddy of all worst possible things has happens I got not one but two speeding tickets back to back in a speed trap. This is the first time in my life where I can not honestly pay all my bills and usually on here I have a point but today I just needed to vent.
I thank you for listening.
Or I guess reading.
Don't get a credit card.
The average purchase with a card is 112% more than what it would be in cash.
Monday, August 2, 2010
I got to go and do something off my bucket list and that fabolus thing was the San Diego Comic Con. It was truly amazing, better than I could imagine. I got to meet a punch of great people, learn more about my craft, and get lots of free shit in the process!
My trip did not start out well as I had an unexpected stay in lovely Denver for a night. With only four hours of sleep I made my way to California. I lived in San Diego for small portion of my life. It's the only other residence that I have had besides the house I grew up in. So I have a special place in that thing that I have that closely resembles a heart. I got to eat at all my favorite Cali eateries such as: Jack in the Box , Tom's #23 , and In & Out.
My mother and I along with a selected few of others got to attend the coveted "Preview Night". I was not prepared for the shear amount of free comics I was about to receive. We went to the DC booth and we notice people making lines around the table and we decided we better hop in. We were glad we did as I received probably 20 issues of free comics along with posters, buttons , and something I had been reluctant to spend five dollars on, The Black Lantern Ring!
Also something very special happen to me on preview night, I got to meet the person who got to start reading comics again and inspired me to start writing comics, ROBERT KIRKMAN!!!
I also got meet comic greats the likes of John Layman, Rob Guillory, Nick Spencer and Cliff Rathburn. Cliff who I also got a cool Walking Dead print and an original piece of artwork.
The next four days were amazing filled with informative panels, writing seminars and Hollywood celebrities. I also got complete some collections of comics and obtained some rare ones.
The best part I think about the whole trip was sharing it with my Mother and by the end I think I even turned her into a comic book fan as she was reading Chew and the exclusive advance issue of Morning Glories which we were only of a selective 100 in the world to get.
Now I am stuck counting down the days until next year, which hopefully I will display my first comic!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I'm a Mac and You're a PC!
We get it by now everyone loves their respected brand but what I want to tackle today is the battle between the fans of these computer/operating systems. Why is there so much hatred towards Mac users and why do Mac users act like they are so above everyone else.
As a long time Microsoft fanboy I used to goof on Macheads and how they must love the smell of their own feces because it must better than a PC user's excrement. Then when I was recording music and my friend invited me over to use his Macbook to help record. To say the least I was blown away at the easy to use programs on it. Within the next couple of weeks I bought a Mac and I have been in love ever since.
Like most new Mac users I was eager to share this new godlike technology with the rest of the known universe. Quickly converting some of my friends and family to the light side of the computer world. I think many people mistake this for a kind of pompousness by Macheads and some of them it is probably the case. This is no need for the PCs to get upset and attack people for there love of a good product. The guy in the '92 Accord doesn't honk at a stoplight at a guy in a brand new BMW. Not all luxury car owners are arrogant pricks but some of them are thats life. Don't hate Apple and its products because some posh users hold their nose up at the coffee shop when you pull out your HP laptop while they are typing away, with ease, on their Macbook Pro.
And don't worry the PC isn't the odd man out so to all the users out their who feel like they are surrounded by showy fancy Macheads remember there is power in numbers as there are still 80 PC users to every Machead.
I just ain't one of them.
Til Next time from Comic-Con !
Saturday, July 3, 2010
The Bucket List
Lately I have been trying to accomplish things that I have been trying to do for years like visiting new places, revisiting old ones and learning things that I have always dreamed of. I decided to make a bucket list on here to help me meet my goals. So at least once a week I will try to complete a goal on my bucket list. I don't know if it will happen once a week but I will try. Well here it is. I will not go on to explain each one, I will explain the goal in detail when I do it.
The Bucket List :
(in no particular order)
1. Get a job I love.
2. Visit Japan.
3. Learn a foreign language.
4. Visit Europe.
5. Go to Comic-Con
6. Go to E3.
7. Have a ski trip.
8. Play a live band gig.
9. Finish learning the piano.
10. Meet one of my heros
11. Get married and have a kick ass wedding.
12. Meet a president.
13. Do something meaningful for someone.
14. Make a movie.
15. Visit New York.
16. Go to Glastonbury.
17. Go to Bonaroo.
18. See my top 5 favorite bands in concert.
19. Play Laser tag again.
20. Revisit museums and theme parks I went to as a kid.
21. Learn how to draw well.
22. Write a novel.
23. Dress up at a anime convention.
24. Play magic the gathering weekly at a comic book shop.
25. Play a campaign of D&D.
26. Develop my own photos.
27. Play a game of poker in Las Vegas.
28. Go on a stargazing trip in Death Valley.
29. Have a camping weekend at a lake with friends.
30. Go floating overnight on a river.
31. Craft Something
32. Hike across the seasons
33. Go paint balling.
34. Visit Historical Sites.
35. Own a dream car.
36. Have a perfect date.
37. Have a prom for a birthday party.
38. Paint.
39. Take a Cooking Class.
40. Go into space.
41. Race a car.
42. Ride a loop roller coaster.
43. Break a world record.
44. L.A.R.P.
45. Ride with the police.
46. Have my dream house.
47. Go horseback riding.
48. Be in a history reenactment.
49. Earn an award.
50. Enjoy it all with the people I love.
Now I don't know if I'll be able to do one a week but I sure will try. So stay tuned every Saturday I should post one. I know what you may be thinking, you're only 22 why do you need a bucket list? Well we are all not promised tomorrow and I want to make sure I make the most out of life. There are probably more that I will even add later but I think this will get me started. Plus if you read any self help book it will tell you that the first step in making your goals is to write it down. Maybe we all could use a little bucket list to keep us focus on what's important and that's not the debt we owe or the problems that we face but instead it's our happiness.
Until Next Time
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Vampires Vampires Vampires!
They SUCK!!
Blood that is. Lame jokes aside I have always been fascinated with the myth of the Vampire. Immortality through brutality. Did you know at one point in history is was almost common practice to stake the hearts of the recently dead for fear that they would come back as a vampire? This nighttime fear has grown into Hollywood and book gold. Now that you can't turn your head without seeing something associated with vampires I figure I talk about this latest fad and my two gloves of garlic on the issue.
So which are you team Jacob or team Edward? I like most book lovers fell in love with the series but then came the movies. Those god dam movies! They are horrible and don't get me wrong I am a huge Robert Pattinson fan. I loved How to Be and Goblet of Fire. It's not anyone associated with the movies fault except the executives who green lit the picture. These movies are horrible for one reason and one reason only and that is, THIS BOOK DOES NOT TRANSLATE AS A MOTION PICTURE! I know plenty of potential readers who were turned off because of the movies. I myself can't make it through the fourth book because now I keep picturing everything in the movie form.
TrueBlood is how you make that translation as a book but then again Alan Ball is a genius. I think thats all that really needs to be said. I am a huge fan and I love the fact that it's more correct towards the vampire myth and their legendary weaknesses.
This fad is that it always starts with books. Twilight, Suki Stackhouse novels and Anne Rice's books. The vampire fad seems to fade in and out and it all starts with the books. I wasn't around for the Anne Rice explosion but in the latest wake the one thing I can't stand is the saturation of the literary market with all these "Tween" vampire novels which just sell on the sexual tension that these young girls crave i.e. The Jonas Brothers. I love reading vampire titles but if there is some decent title I can't find underneath all these titles that publishers are throwing money at.
And if the publishers are reading this throw me an advance. I will write you a worthy vampire title maybe or maybe I'll just hype up the sex and make it a bestseller.
Until Next Time
Friday, June 18, 2010
Addicted to Pixels
Video games.
Unlike the internet, I never knew a time without. Some of my earliest memories were that with the 8-bit Nintendo on Zelda. I was fortuned enough to have a grandfather who love the new wave of technology that was coming out. All of the accessories the Nintendo had he got us.
The coolest thing about my grandfather was that he was a Zelda freak. He saved all the Nintendo Power magazines with the Zelda maps in it. I never been so afraid than to accidently save over my granddad's game. He always made it further than us but me and brothers still had a blast taking on Gannon.
As I grew up so did the video games I played. My first system that was just mine was the Sega Genesis. Sonic the Hedgehog helped me navigate my way through the troubled seas of elementary school life. It was followed by the 64 which blew my mind with two games that I completely indulge in and suck me in. Not since Zelda did I think that I would be able to assume the role of a character in a video game. These two games were Starfox and Golden Eye.
Then came the almighty Playstation and with it two of the best games ever Final Fantasy XII and Resident Evil. I never thought anything but a scary movie could invoke such terror in me but I was mistaked as me and my brother's friends sat in their basement in front of a big screen in the dark pissing our pants from the zombies attacking our antagonist in the game.
Playstation 2 was my second console that I owned and it was a good one. I bought it when Grand Theft Auto III came out and I never thought anyone could create such a vivid and unique feeling world as much as that did. One of the best experiences that I have still today is picking up the newest GTA game and playing the first mission. It's the feeling of being sunk into a brand new world with no knowledge of what's up the street or across the bridge and that what is so fun about it is finding out what's there.
Xbox brought me online multiplayer and instead of going out and partying me and my friends stayed in most the time and smoke weed and played Halo 2 online. It also brought me my first taste of RPG glory with Elder Scrolls , KOTOR and still my all time favorite Fable.
Several years later came the 360 and thats when my social life took a big hit. Just joking but only half heartily. Though it had its problems (I am on my third one, DAM IT !), I still believe that it changed everything it showed how games should look and play and with it brought my favorite games of all time. Which are Mass Effect 1 & 2 , GTA 4 , Red Dead , and Fable 2. Just the shear amount of quality of video games that are coming out now blow my mind and I feel truly blessed to be able to have hands and eyes so I can enjoy them.
I now have all the big three's gaming systems and no life.
But I wouldn't want it any other way. Gaming has truly saved me in dark times. When I had no friends and no one to go out with I would just make them in Sims. When I wanted to feel important I saved the world a thousand times over and when I want to just be myself and enjoy the people I love, I simply press the off button.
Or just pause.
Until next time,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I think I am growing up finally...
It's been a few weeks maybe even longer since I posted but I have been busy writing two comics. Now they are being drawn, I have time to rant so here we go.
I was very proud of myself recently because I didn't take a drink of alcohol for a little over four weeks. This has got to be the longest I have went without drinking for so long since I was a loser in high school playing video games and smoking pot at home in my room while everybody was doing keg stands.
It wasn't as tough as I thought would be. Of course watching everyone get drunk and laugh at jokes that aren't as funny sober kind of sucked but I persevered through. The reason I quit drinking wasn't because I didn't think it was fun, don't get me wrong there is nothing more fun than a night out with the gang enjoying a nice rum and coke. I just can't stand the next day. I get very bad hangovers and it makes me lazy and depressed the next day. Obviously alcohol is a depressant so everyone should expect that but it seems to hit me way harder.
So my quest was off to go two months without a drink to see what it would be like to be thirteen again and try to enjoy weekends sober and I did. Then came this past friday night I decided to jump off the wagon with a box of wine and a night full of board games. It was a blast, played my favorite board game "Zombies!!!" but this morning was not fun. So today I pledge that I will be back on the wagon for another four weeks and maybe for good. I guess I could learn moderation. That may help with the extreme hangovers but I will try that in a month I suppose.
But also as I am growing up I am also still a kid at heart this was never more apparent than this weekend when for the last two weeks I have been planning to go back to Old Cowtown which is just my idea of heaven. I am a HUGE western buff so if this the only way I can relive that time I will be there. I really think I was born in the wrong century. I love the ideals of the Old West and if only Doc Brown was real and could get me back there.
My lovely girlfriend and I departed for Cowtown and we had a blast saw a gun fight, sipped on sarsaparilla and spent $80 at the gift shop. I am now the owner of a Billy the Kid cap gun and a nice cowboy hat. Now I won't go into details but I will let this picture sum up our trip.
Until next time,
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Sick Leave
Now I know how business works. You make a product or service available to consumers in exchange for monetary gain. Now I want to talk about the flip side to that and talk about the people who make this happen. Employees! Mainly I want to talk about how people are treated when they call in sick.
Like most of you I work a nine to five and also like most of you I have a immune system that doesn't hold off every disease. Contrary to what many managers who run there business believe , employees are human after all and not mindless drones who just happen to show up and leave when they are supposed. We are so much more than a just a "Body".
Why should I feel guilty for calling in when I am truly ill. I should be worrying about resting to get better not wether or not I have disappointed you. I hate that when I walk in to work I feel questioning eyes upon me and I have to be interrogated like a criminal.
The only reason I should feel like that is when I commit a crime and the last time I checked we all get sick. So the next time you feel like making someone feel like shit because they want to stay at home to rest and not infect the rest of your working horse. Maybe you are the one who should feel the guilt from committing the crime of putting your business over someone's well being.
Wahoo feels good to vent. Sucks because I am still sick and will probably be tomorrow but will have to go in because I can't afford the co-pay for my doctor and if I don't have one of those notes to call in sick I would be fired. God I can't wait to get a REAL job soon.
Until next time ,
Our podcast "Pup and Suds" is up on itunes and our website. you can subscribe to it on itunes here: Pup and Suds on iTunes
and our website here: Pub and Suds site
Monday, April 26, 2010
This Blog Still Has a Pulse!
This blog is still alive and kicking. I am sorry for the long delay. I meant to blog from the road on my many adventures over the past couple months but I guess I was having too much of a good time to do it. So with this post I am not going to be yammering on about some topic, I will be telling you about what I have been up to. My long drive from California back to Kansas, a lovely weekend in Kansas City and what I am up to now.
Yes it was very loud and we only added that duct tape half-way through the trip because it was too loud.
First I started out on a very early morning flight out of Wichita heading to LAX to move my girlfriend back to good old Wichita Kansas. For some reason every flight out of Wichita to LA must go in the total opposite direction. So I headed a couple hundred miles toward Nashville and after a hour layover I was headed to Cali. When I touch down my lovely lady was there to pick me up. Now I don't know about many of you who have visited California but my two absolute favorite things to do are one , Jack in the Box and two sandy beaches. We first did both on the way to visit my Mom. We stopped in Laguna at a park and beach straight out of the show. Californiacation. After some potatoe wedges and some bloody feet from the rocks kicked up at the beach , we were headed to beautiful San Diego!
So after having dinner with my Mom and hanging with some of Kat's friends , we began our 26 hour journey to Wichita. So we ran into some problems right away when we ran out of room in her car. So we used cellophane to attach the rest to the roof. Oh yes I am talking the stuff you wrap up your left over Sloppy Joe's with.
Yes it was very loud and we only added that duct tape half-way through the trip because it was too loud.
One of our stops was one I have been wanting to do since I was a kid on my many trips to the West coast was stop at the world's largest crater. Every time as a kid I saw the sign my parents said no. So now I am a adult! Dah dah DAAHH! I can! and it was every thing you would think it would be...fucking deep!
I got some good souviners too. A bag of space food and a U.S. Marshal's badge? Yeah I question the second too seeing as how it has nothing to do with the crater but I had to buy it , it was the kid in me.
Then we were off again we made a bunch more rest stops. One which I picked up an indian tomahawk , which is now resting on my mantle. I am not going to lie it was a grueling drive I dont think I ever consumed so many energy drinks. I think Rockstar's stock alone jump 15% from me. I was never so happy to see OKC knowing we were just three hours away.
We finally arrived at eight in the morning to my surprise a beautiful day and I couldn't believe no snow. I know not that exciting of a trip but I had a blast and its been over a month and we are still unpacking!
Since I am running a little longer than I thought I will sum up the next two topics in these next paragraphs.
I got to go to Kansas City to celebrate a friends twenty first birthday.
First we got a private tour of the Royals stadium. It was awesome we got to go to the dug out and I got to sit in the manager's seat in the press room. We also got to go to the college basketball experience which if you are a basketball fan like me but with little skill, you will feel like a champ there. They have a buzzer beat challenge in which you get five seconds to make the game winning shot from a certain place and the first time I made it I celbrated like I just won the National Championship. I jump into my girl's arms and made her hoist me into the air. I about broke her, good thing I didn't because it would've be a bitch of a drive to return her for a new one.
The last exciting thing that has happen to me is this lovable pup. His name is Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi and we adopted him from the humane society and he has brought me so much joy and time to practice cleaning, seeing how he keeps shitting in the basement but I still love his slobbery ass. My girlfriend thinks I spoil him too much but seeing how I am doing things my parents wouldn't let me do when I was younger, the dog was definitely at the top of my list.
Well thats it for today. Now that I am back and ready to write expect me to get back on here at least once a week though I am hoping for twice but I will be starting a podcast sometime soon so maybe that will keep me busy. Also I am working on three comic books right now hopefully two of them will be picked up soon. I will keep you posted.
Until next time,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Prioritizing Priorities
Well good evening everyone. I promise myself I would do a blog every two days and I have broken that promise multiple times. So when I got to thinking about topics this one came up and I thought it would be perfect seeing how I have to prioritize this BLOG!!!!
Priorities. Definitely one of my least favorite words. Maybe it wouldn't be one if my priorities themselves were more to my liking. Let me look at my priorities right now. Numero uno, my day job. Now while I do love my job it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I think my first priority would change if I was able to make a career doing something I love. I would be able to focus on more things if I wasn't feeling so force into working everyday.Perhaps my job would be more of my choosing rather than my necessity for survival.
Now what should probably be my first worry in life is my second and that is my overall happiness. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy a good comic , a game , anything with an alcohol content of over 5.2% and all my loved ones to share that with.
Health should most likely be more the top of the list but me like most Americans I know that takes a backseat to the good old American dream. Plus I am way to young to start worrying about things like that. I still have a liver , heart and a pair of lungs before I start caring. I am kidding of course but only slightly.
Relationships don't really take the last car on my train but I feel it's the last one worth mentioning. I love my family and friends. I have a beautiful girlfriend who is making me her top priority right now by leaving everyone and everything she knows to move half way across the country to be with me. Maybe the reason I don't prioritize relationships too high is that all mine right now are perfect. I am surrounded by people who care for me.
I know what you're asking these are none of my priorities but I thought I would just share some of mine. If you're lonely maybe relationships would be at the top of your list. If you're sick , health would be yours. Everyone is different but if you're obsessed over one you will find all the other ones will no doubt suffer.
Until next time ,
PS I am open to topics please send me some!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
So I tried to think of topics for this blog and this one kept popping up. Honesty. Is it the best policy ? What would life be like if we could see the truth one hundred percent of the time?
Isn't there some lies that should be told? I also apologize for the long gap in between blogs. I have had a lot on my plate as I am working full time and trying to write music and comic/movie scripts. I am taking suggestions on topics if you would like to hear my take on them just comment on this or drop me an email.
Back to the topic on hand , honesty. I try to pride myself on trying to be as honest as possible. Now two things usually come out of this. One , people know I am very loyal and will always give my opinion on anything they ask. Two , I will give my opinion even if it is not something they will want to hear and hell sometimes I give my two cents when I am not asked but thats just cause I am a asshole.
What if no one lied? Would you want to know what your friends really think of your new girlfriend or boyfriend ? Maybe that new hairdo isn't as "fly" as you think it is. If the world was really like that movie "The Invention of Lying ", I think I would have zero self-esteem and would be scared shitless to even approach a woman for not only fear of rejection but of what she might really think about my appearance/overall being.
I have not been in many relationships but I think small lies are essential not only to make things easy on you but for your partner as well. Now hold before you think thats a free pass to go pick up any floozie looking for one night stand while your significant other is on that weekend business trip because you can just lie about it. I am talking about lying FOR love not against it. Do I really want to know how many guys hit on you when you are out during "Girls Night"? Answer is NO! Just like I won't truthfully answer you when you ask me constant questions comparing yourself to my ex-lovers.
There is some things that will never be found out. What really happen in Roswell ? Was JFK's assassination a conspiracy ? Now boy I wish I could live in an honest government but as long as politicians are corrupt by back room deals and people who think they know what's in our best interests when they them selves our extremely out of touch with society, we probably will never know what really controls our government.
In all I think on how you live your life determines if you are an honest person. While white lies can be good tell enough of them and they will consume you. Then the only person you will be lying to is yourself.
Until Next Time
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Translating Traffic
That is usually what comes out my mouth when someone cuts me off in traffic. Am I justified in my obersavation? Is that guy really a dick? I have always thought that maybe the way you drive somehow derives from the kind of person you are. Well, this may not be 100% true , I will just humor myself.
Speeding. We all do it at some point or another but some do it with such obnoxiousness. They turn getting on to the off ramp into a scene from the Transporter. Why? What could this tribal tattoo branded , blasting Nickelback to the full volume meathead be heading and why is it so important that he has to nearly cause a four car pile up to get there? Now I am sure there are legit reasons for speeding , such as family emergencies and being late for an engagement. Work for an example and boy do I know this first hand (Alot of mornings blazing down 235!). What really angers me is to see a mini-van flying pushing 90 mph and to look in the back seat and see two toddler seats but hey maybe I just haven't read "What to Expect When you're Expecting Dale Earnheart as a Toddler"
Is weaving in and out of traffic like crazy then when you can't pass anybody you honk your head off until the driver in front of you feels like a coward for doing the speed limit so he hangs his head and changes lane , necessary. Oh and he does something you don't do , he SIGNALS when he does it!
But hey maybe that guy was moving far too slow. I mean the frat boy in the Denali had to make it to the court house in time to pay his last speeding ticket. What kind of people hate the speed limit though? I understand it is limit and yes you can go the minimum but I still can't comprehend why you would do so. Now the elderly they have every excuse to do whatever they want. Now if I was 90 I would be doing 90 mph without hesitation but some reason "The Greatest Generation" can only do 10 in a 45. Maybe because time slows down after you hit the "Golden Years". I mean your body and the organs in it start to slow down. Does your foot on the gas have to also? Now I mean no disrespect to the elderly. They are far wiser than I'll ever be. They had to learn things the hard way. My generation is spoiled by the internet. Now if I want to learn how to do something I just Wiki it.
But I digress, If you are under 70 and are not going the speed limit. WHY? Don't tell me its to take it all in because unless you are on vacation you are going to see it all again on the way home from work and you'll do it all again tomorrow. Maybe your over cautious. Protected as a child but now you're free! Embrace the world at FULL speed! Just watch out for that dick cutting you off.
Now lets see about me , I guess I am a laid back driver. I hardly ever get road rage except now I am venting a little bit I guess. I always do 4 over the speed limit the most you can do without getting a ticket. I always single 100 feet before a turn. I do everything by the book for the most part but we all have are bad days. I just try to keep mind out of radar range.
Well until next time,
Friday, February 12, 2010
Dream Job
I had a wonderful dream last night. The kind you never want to wake up from. Everything just seems perfect because it feels like everything is going your way and you can do anything you want. Everything in my life seems to have fallen in place just the way I wanted it to. I am having conversations with amazing people I couldn't even come close to chatting it up with. Next thing I am back in high school doing things the way they should've been done. Then I am travel across the galaxy in my very own space cruiser.
But then something horrible happens. No not proton torpedos hitting my already weak deflector shields , something worse. I wake up! I toss over pretend I didn't just see the waking world. Try to hold on to the dream , that high. Hello My name is Anthony and I am a dream addict. If they can bottle that feeling I don't think I'll be ever be leaving my house. "Oh you got that bottle up dream. Well, I got these cheeseburgers man! Please you know I'm good for it!" as I would say if that product exist as I would be fiend-in lying in the gutter with a bag of month old burgers.
I guess I am so obsessed with dreams because I am looking for that feeling. Nirvana. Bliss. Heaven. The Great Happiness Space. Whatever you call it . To be able to do whatever you want is what I call bliss. In schools they tell you , "You can be anything you dream to be!" It's a nice idea and true somewhat but that is the point it's only SOMEwhat true. Most of us , actually a lot of us , won't get our dream job. Hopefully half of us will find a balance of something tolerable and maybe a little enjoyable too. Then there will be some who will hate their jobs and drink very heavily and be completely miserable. I just hope I don't end up there.
Then there are the few , the proud , THE HAPPY. Who will absolutely love their job and wake up every morning not actually dreading to pull themselves out of bed to go in. They might even go in early and stay late just because they just can't stand to be away from their job. That number though has to be low. I can't say that I have statistics but I would love some to show kids in school a percentage of people who will one day have their dream job. But I guess thats just another one of my many many dreams.
Until Next Time,
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My First Blog , Ever.
I haven't really written anything expecting anybody to read it since middle school. I can't remember exactly what that was , but I am sure it had something to do how I would change the world through music , and how everyone would get along if they only followed the Jedi code. While I still believe the latter , (in fact I think Star Wars should be mandatory in schools EVERYWHERE!) I have changed a lot in the past years and so has this town and the people in it. So I guess with this blog I am trying to capture my young adult angst and me trying to end it. All the while documenting all the interesting/regrettable experiences and brilliant/murky characters along the way.
So I guess it's time for you to get to know me . Hello world wide web, I'm Anthony Bradley. Prepare to be boarded! I am just your average 21 year old except I have a super power of sarcasm , a titanium liver , and a Gandhi tolerance for douche bags. I taught myself everything in life. How to learn , how to live and love. If I fail at it I guess I can only blame the teacher.
I was born and raised in Wichita , Kansas. Don't get the name of the blog wrong. I love this town. What can I say it has been home for so long. One thing I always heard growing up is how bad and fast people wanted to leave this town but I can't see why. I know I haven't seen all of the world and I could be wrong hell I plan on moving someday but not before I figure this little mystery that is Wichita. Why it seems to be this black hole no matter how grand of plans they have to leave they always fall through. Even if they some how manage to get over that event horizon , they somehow get sucked back to the singularity.
I know this experience first hand as I wanted to get out of this "Box Town" , as I called it then. I got the chance to move to California when I was 13 with my Mom. So I did. I started to call Wichita "Box Town" because no matter how long in between my visits from Cali were. Wichita seemed unchanged every time I would fly over on my descent to Mid-Continent. Even on the car ride to my Grandma's house the whole city seemed frozen as I left it. Sure a few stores closed here , there. A new Wal-Mart maybe but not a lot changed backed then. Everything seem boxed-in. Hence the name "Box Town"!
Well it's almost 2 a.m. and I need some sleep. So first blogs done and more to come. I got to think of some topics. Suggestions welcomed.
Well until next time ,
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