Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vampires Vampires Vampires!

They SUCK!!

Blood that is. Lame jokes aside I have always been fascinated with the myth of the Vampire. Immortality through brutality. Did you know at one point in history is was almost common practice to stake the hearts of the recently dead for fear that they would come back as a vampire? This nighttime fear has grown into Hollywood and book gold. Now that you can't turn your head without seeing something associated with vampires I figure I talk about this latest fad and my two gloves of garlic on the issue.

So which are you team Jacob or team Edward? I like most book lovers fell in love with the series but then came the movies. Those god dam movies! They are horrible and don't get me wrong I am a huge Robert Pattinson fan. I loved How to Be and Goblet of Fire. It's not anyone associated with the movies fault except the executives who green lit the picture. These movies are horrible for one reason and one reason only and that is, THIS BOOK DOES NOT TRANSLATE AS A MOTION PICTURE! I know plenty of potential readers who were turned off because of the movies. I myself can't make it through the fourth book because now I keep picturing everything in the movie form.

TrueBlood is how you make that translation as a book but then again Alan Ball is a genius. I think thats all that really needs to be said. I am a huge fan and I love the fact that it's more correct towards the vampire myth and their legendary weaknesses.

This fad is that it always starts with books. Twilight, Suki Stackhouse novels and Anne Rice's books. The vampire fad seems to fade in and out and it all starts with the books. I wasn't around for the Anne Rice explosion but in the latest wake the one thing I can't stand is the saturation of the literary market with all these "Tween" vampire novels which just sell on the sexual tension that these young girls crave i.e. The Jonas Brothers. I love reading vampire titles but if there is some decent title I can't find underneath all these titles that publishers are throwing money at.

And if the publishers are reading this throw me an advance. I will write you a worthy vampire title maybe or maybe I'll just hype up the sex and make it a bestseller.

Until Next Time

1 comment:


    Haaaaa this definitely applies
