Priorities. Definitely one of my least favorite words. Maybe it wouldn't be one if my priorities themselves were more to my liking. Let me look at my priorities right now. Numero uno, my day job. Now while I do love my job it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I think my first priority would change if I was able to make a career doing something I love. I would be able to focus on more things if I wasn't feeling so force into working everyday.Perhaps my job would be more of my choosing rather than my necessity for survival.
Now what should probably be my first worry in life is my second and that is my overall happiness. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy a good comic , a game , anything with an alcohol content of over 5.2% and all my loved ones to share that with.
Health should most likely be more the top of the list but me like most Americans I know that takes a backseat to the good old American dream. Plus I am way to young to start worrying about things like that. I still have a liver , heart and a pair of lungs before I start caring. I am kidding of course but only slightly.
Relationships don't really take the last car on my train but I feel it's the last one worth mentioning. I love my family and friends. I have a beautiful girlfriend who is making me her top priority right now by leaving everyone and everything she knows to move half way across the country to be with me. Maybe the reason I don't prioritize relationships too high is that all mine right now are perfect. I am surrounded by people who care for me.
I know what you're asking these are none of my priorities but I thought I would just share some of mine. If you're lonely maybe relationships would be at the top of your list. If you're sick , health would be yours. Everyone is different but if you're obsessed over one you will find all the other ones will no doubt suffer.
Until next time ,
PS I am open to topics please send me some!